Spring Cleaning
Posted on Friday, August 22, 2008
Yes, I've been neglecting you. I'm sorry. If it makes you feel any better, it's not because I've been having any fun. I've been occupied with things like shampooing the carpet (over and over and over--thanks dog), the area rugs, spot cleaning upholstery, oiling the wood furniture, and applying touch-up paint here and there. And the front yard? Weeded, mowed, watered, fed, edged, and bark-o-mulched. Why this out-of-character cleaning binge? A couple of reasons actually. 1) I feel the need to get a job, maybe even a full time job, once the school year starts. If such a fate comes to pass, I'd like to have the house & yard cleaned up before paid employment starts sucking away most of my waking hours. 2) Even if I don't find the career of my dreams in the near future, Halloween is only a couple of months away (the official start of the holiday season, as far as we are concerned). This year, through some sort enchantment, Halloween falls on a Friday. Yeah! It's our household's biggest and busiest holiday; because of the weekend timing, this year it will probably include a sleepover for half the neighborhood kids and a slightly drunken debauch for their parents. And I'd like to start with a clean palate (in terms of the carpet) before I have to clean up the unspeakable aftermath.
In cat news, our boy is at the vet's being neutralized today. And not a minute too soon. Think a good thought for him. (***wipes away a sentimental tear***) They grow up so fast!
Wow, well I still have 3 rooms at my house yet to "spring clean" but I will certainly not object if you want to come over and do it for me. I mean, you seem like you are on such a roll, I'd hate for you to run out of work. ;P
Given up on our carpets. We've decided that throw rugs are our friends, at this point. Thank god for Fred Meyer. Let the record reflect that we were NOT the ones who chose wall to wall WHITE berber carpet. I'd like to strangle the prior owners for that.