Posted on Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Family PhotosHere is my husband Howser and our son. Herbie wants to grow up to be just like his dad. I was worried about their relationship when Herb was a baby. Fortunately, once he developed the hand/eye coordination to play countless hours of gratuitously violent computer games, they really started to bond! Howser has even taught Herbie how to eat chips left-handed while running a joystick with his right, and how to grunt single syllable responses if someone makes the mistake of trying to engage him in conversation during the course of an on-screen battle. I used to suggest that they expand their activities to include things like taking a walk, reading, or riding bikes. “You know,” I suggested, “something a bit more important…?”
“This is important,” my husband assured me. “It’s not like these aliens are going to kill themselves, right boy?”
“Uh,” Herb grunted in evident agreement.
Special times.
This sounds way unfortunate. Maybe school will help.